What You Need to Know

The Dr. L. A. Miller Centre provides a comprehensive range of rehabilitation services to both inpatients, patients who are admitted to the Dr. L. A. Miller Centre or another acute-care hospital, as well as to outpatients, patients who receive treatment without being admitted. As a patient, rehabilitation will help you keep, get back or improve skills and functioning for daily living that have been lost or impaired because of an injury or illness.

You are the most important member of our team

Rehabilitation follows a team approach. You and your family are the most important members of your rehabilitation team. You are the centre of this team and will take an active role in decision-making about your rehabilitation treatment. Your rehabilitation team will give you an initial assessment and talk to you about your rehabilitation goals.

Members of the team will help you and your family set goals. Each patient’s goals and therapy schedules are different. Within two weeks of your admission, a goal setting meeting may be scheduled with you, your family and your rehabilitation team. Family members are strongly encouraged to attend. In this meeting, patient’s goals and progress will be reviewed and discharge planning discussed.

An estimated date of discharge will be set and your progress will be monitored regularly. The length of your rehabilitation will depend on your situation and needs and varies from patient to patient. Your stay may be shorter or longer than someone else with the same diagnosis.

Your responsibilities during your rehabilitation

  • Do as much as you can for yourself. Your rehabilitation team will let you know when it is safe to do certain activities.
  • Attend and participate fully in all your therapy sessions. If you are unwell, please let staff know.
  • Think about what goals you need to achieve and attend a goal setting meeting if one is arranged for you.
  • Ask any questions you may have.
  • Complete extra activities assigned by your therapist.
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Last updated: 2021-01-22