People Experiencing Chronic Pain

What is Chronic Pain? What are the different types of chronic pain? How do you manage chronic pain?


The Canadian Pain Coalition site contains a wealth of information including video and pain management resources.  Check out the “New Updates: Pain Resource Centre” on the front page. (DEAD LINK)


The following sites contains information on various chronic pain conditions and various medications.

Also on the American Chronic Pain association site, check out the video titled “Pathways through Pain: Priorities and Goals: at the following link:

Other Supports/Resources:

Department of Health and Community Services: Chronic Disease Self-Management Program:
This site provides information about a six week program (2 hours per week) for people experiencing various types of chronic conditions. You can see when and where a program will be offered in or near your community.


Arthritis Society


This site offers information on various types of arthritis as well as tools that can be of help in managing these conditions.


Video on Pain Management


There is no video now-DEAD LINK)

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Last updated: 2020-03-20